Product & Order Data

At a high level, product data and order data are the two most critical components that drive the success of a PowerReviews User Generated Content (“UGC”) program. Without them, your UGC collection and display solution, as diagrammed below, will be unable to deliver maximum business impact. You can inject your product and order data into the PowerReviews solution in two ways: feeds or JavaScript beacons. Both methods are robust and reliable, and in use by large numbers of clients.

Considerations for which method might be best for your solution can be found in the following two documents. Please contact your Customer Success Manager or Implementation Manager to discuss the possibilities, and to get started.

PowerReviews UGC Solution Diagram

Your Product Catalog is the most important information needed by PowerReviews to implement the following components of your PowerReviews software:

  • Write-A-Review form: The Write-A-Review form uses your Product Catalog to display your product name, image, and page URL throughout the customer review submission process.
  • Template Mapping: Template Mapping uses your Product Catalog to map your products to a category-specific review template, for a more contextual review writing experience for your customers.
  • Questions & Answers: The Q&A software uses your Product Catalog to include the product name and product image when a customer is asking a question or providing an answer.
  • Syndication: PowerReviews Syndication uses your Product Catalog to share reviews between brands and retailers by matching product data.
  • Product Sentiment Analytics: This advanced analytics tool uses the data from the product catalog to display sentiment and insights for your products and categories. By having the correct product names and categories passed through your Product Catalog, you will be able to take full advantage of this extraordinary tool.

Order data is critical to your PowerReviews solution success to drive the following:

  • New UGC: The primary driver of new UGC is an order triggering an email or SMS asking the consumer to leave a review, upload social content, etc.
  • Reporting: Enables “Sales Influence” report showing # of Orders and Conversion Rates with vs without reviews

Considerations for which method might be best for your solution can be found in these two documents. Please contact your Customer Success Manager or Implementation Manager to discuss the possibilities and get started.

Please contact your Client Success Manager or your Implementation Project Manager to get started.

Need more help? Contact us!

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